My experience with programming

I start programming in 2015, started with language c++. First 4 year I study competitive programming where solving different kind of problems. In university I participated on ICPC, competitions from university such as KBTU, NU, IITU. When I was freshman, in second semestr I work in educational center and teach to algorithm and data structure, this oriented for competitive programming. I am interested in backend on python, fronted on react and mobile application on flutter. Also I did few project which you can see in bottom:


Mini Games

I implemented mini games such as snake, tank



Pygame lib

DNP Course

Working with TCP and UDP, also used gRPC, ZMQ, Threading




SNA course

This team project, where we implement copy of moodle


Yandex cloud

Gitlab CI/CD

Created by Bekzat Rakhimbayev